
Crock Pot - Pot Pie by Tamara

A few posts ago, I blogged about Chicken & Dumplings - Crock Pot Style. Well, the mother of one of my best friends in middle school (it's a mouthful right?) played around with the recipe and created a new dish for me to try out called Crock Pot - Pot Pie.  Tamara (how old and adult do I feel now that I am using her first name?!?!) sent me a message about her creation. It's great to get feedback and new recipes I can share, but it also means that at least one person is reading this. Hehehe.

Crock Pot - Pot Pie:
For more flavor, sautee: 1/2 onion, 2 garli cloves diced, 3 carrots and couple stalks of celery. Season with S&P.

I put that into the bottom of the crock pot.

Then, I sauteed the chicken pieces, I used breast and thigh. I seasoned the meat with S&P, a shake of sage and tyme, just a littel bit of rosemary. Just browned the chicken, didn't cook it all the way. added that to the crock pot.

Used 2 cans of cream of chicken (98% fat free) and added in a cup of so of chicken broth. Cooked it on low for the afternoon. I did need to add a littel flour to thicken later in the afternoon.

About 30 minutes before serving I added a bag of peas - just looking for ways to pump up the veggies!

I cooked the biscuits in the oven, split them and served them on top of the chicken mixture to make it like a crust on pot pie.

If you want to get fancy you could move the chicken to an oven proof serving dish and cook a crust on top, but who wants another dish to clean?

Seriously. I hate meals that use tons and tons of dishes. Consequently, I hate cleaning tons and tons of dishes.

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