Do you know how long I have been looking forward to this
weekend? I live for long weekends.
My supervisor recently left and saying that work has been
hectic (especially without a replacement) would be an understatement. These
last two weeks have been chaotic. I was warned that I would be “baptized with
fire” and let me tell you, I can feel the heat. It’s also why I had zero posts
last week.
Professional challenges are fantastic. You learn. You grow.
Hopefully, you become a better and stronger employee. While I think this could
be a positive experience, most days I have come home mentally and physically
drained. Therefore, having Monday off for Independence Day was just what I
I don’t know if weekend recaps will be a continuous topic on
my blog, but figured it would not hurt to post about it once in a while.
J picked up dinner on Friday evening from a local bar/grill
restaurant. I typically do not love the food, but can chow down on their
buffalo chicken dip. It was the furthest thing from clean eating.
After E went to bed we got comfy on the couch and watched a
Xanax inducing movie about a girl who gets attacked by a shark. Fun Fact: I am/was obsessed with all
things Shark Week. I don’t think I could swim in a cage, but can appreciate
the crazies who do - all from the comfort of my living room. My anxiety amused
J while Miss Friski amused me – calm as a cucumber. #passthecatnipplease

After ten glorious hours of sleep, I felt like a cold was
sneaking up on me. Since E was getting over a virus (I swear we really are a
healthy family #praiseGod), we stayed close by the house and ventured over to the
local farmer’s market. We picked up some garden goodies (and a few additional items
that my toddler grabbed hold of) and purchased meat for our weekend of grilling. We headed back to
the house where E napped and I became adventurous with my food processor in
preparation of my next Whole 30 round.
We grilled out for dinner and after E went to bed, I jumped
into a full-fledged war on my garden. I have no idea what bugs these are, but
they are killing my squash plants.
Since I am semi crunchy, I purchased an “earthy” spray off
Amazon and googled natural alternatives. After covering my garden in garlic
(yes, it smelled divine), I mixed hot water and dish detergent to hopefully
dehydrate and kill these pests. Does anyone have any idea what these are or
what I need to do?
Sunday started off with church, followed by lunch and
nap time for the little. I was feeling better and able to tackle laundry, get a work out in and catch up on one of my guilty pleasures, Mistresses. Does anyone else watch that? It’s one of my favorite
summer shows.

Post nap we dealt with an electrical issue that involved a
quick game of “find the breaker.” Our smoker that we have had for a couple of
years decided to blow out all the outdoor and one indoor outlet upon being
plugged in. Fingers crossed that it’s a smoker issue and not a house problem.
to the blazing hot weather, we kept it classy and turned on the sprinklers for
E to enjoy. The grill was utilized again for dinner and I continued my garden
war. My spray arrived so I soaked the plants and when the bugs climbed to the
top a leaf, I literally “golfed” them out of my garden using the bottle.
At least I own my crazy, right? Once the hard battle was fought, I celebrated
with a cocktail that I will be sharing with you soon.
My husband woke up with E and I was able to get another long
ten hours of sleep. I’m dreading my 5 A.M. wake up call Tuesday morning. After
checking the weather, I decided to go for a run in the brisk 78-degree morning
air. Oh my goodness - I about died. There was nothing cool about that run. Over
three miles and forty minutes later, I made it back to the house and laid on the
floor under the ceiling fan. It was so, so, so hot. The humidity was ridiculous.
I checked my weather app again and noticed that it was now 86 degrees, but felt
like 96 degrees with 70% humidity. No Weather Channel, it felt like an oven at 350 degrees. It wasn't even 11 A.M. yet!

I recovered from the run with another enamoring viewing of
Finding Nemo. Seriously, if I see this one more time I am going to check myself
into an insane asylum. The rest of the day was quiet with naps, cooking
and blogging. We ending the evening with some fireworks while it was still light outside (we do not mess with E's bedtime schedule) and she was strangely unimpressed. Oh well, maybe next year.
If you finished this, I applaud you as this is an incredibly
long post about doing nothing this weekend.
Did you do anything crazy fun? Please share so I can live
vicariously through you!