
20 Weeks

How far along: 20 weeks

Total weight gain: We had a doctor's appointment last week where I asked this very same question. I am down a total of 3 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I was not lying about how sick I felt!

Maternity clothes: Yes and no. Still wearing non maternity flowy dresses, shirts and a few loose pants. Regardless of my weight being down, the belly is there so I do love some of my maternity shorts and pants because they are so comfortable.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: I was sleeping awesome. I had a few days where I was getting an average of 5 hours, but the past few days have been okay. As soon as I found out we were pregnant I started to try and sleep on my side because I totally sleep straight on my stomach and knew that wouldn't be an option during the entire pregnancy. So far it's okay. I still sleep on my stomach some, but mainly on my side.

Best moment of this week: Well, last Thursday we had our big ultrasound and found out what we were having! I was so excited. It was also the "deadline" I gave myself to share the news publicly. The picture above is what went viral. :) The rest of our families were glad to because they were so tired of keeping our secret - although SOME were better at secret keeping than others. The baby would show everything but their face so we get to see that (hopefully if baby cooperates) on our next appointment. Nothing like having an ultrasound every appointment.

Miss anything: Running - who would have thought I would ever say that?! Sushi. I miss being able to stay up late.

Movement: Around 18 weeks I started to notice the "flutters" more. I love it. It's the best feeling ever.

Food cravings: Salty foods - like dips and chip. I crave sweet drinks: regular coke and sweet tea. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise the Lord that I started to feel better around 17 weeks. Seriously. I was terrified that I would be sick during my entire pregnancy. Now I just get hungry, not really sick.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. I still don't feel like it's a cute bump, but then again I'm not sure that I will ever be that cute bumped pregnant girl.

Gender: Baby BRAM (Britney or Cam) is............... BRITNEY!!!!!!!! 
Parent reactions: 
J - "Daddy's girl." 
Me - "OMG J we have to pay for a wedding." 
Yup. Those were the first things each of us said.

Labor signs: Gosh no.

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Excited. Once we found out the gender I feel like I can start doing so many more things to prepare. I'm still quite terrified most of the time, so I am praying constantly for peace and a healthy baby girl. God is in control and I am okay with that. But I still have my moments because I am crazy.

Looking forward to: My sister is coming to visit this weekend before she leaves me for Germany. :( UGH. I'm excited to do some baby things with her like show her the furniture we are thinking about and going to possibly start one of our registries. Everything is so flipping expensive and it's not like you can go super cheap - hello this is a little baby I am responsible for.

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