
"I'm Going Off The Rails Of A Crazy Train"

Wow. I thought I couldn't keep up with my blog during football season, but Spring has proved to be even more difficult! Our life has been busy. We are still trying to get the house together while keeping our fabulous social appearances - ha! Seriously though April involves A LOT of traveling.

It began with a baby shower for one of my best friends Double L. We threw a shower for her in Scottsboro, AL Easter weekend. We are flying to Newport News, Virginia to visit with my sister, brother in law and a few of our friends we were stationed with in Abilene, TX. Getting ready for this trip, I lost the only valid ID I owned which may have ensued a mild panic attack. Luckily we found it so chances are I can get on the plane. J & I will be making a trip to ATL at the end of the month for another 5K race and to see Les Miserables at the Fox Theater. . In May I will be headed back to Alabama for a sorority sister's wedding and then back to ATL for another wedding. Absolute craziness. Can gas prices PLEASE go down?! Throw in an April HHBC meeting and Disney on Ice with M and you have my life. Oh wait, during that I will be starting a new job. Cheers!

Yes. Nothing adds to the stress and chaos of a busy month than turning in a two week notice and accepting a new position. However, this position is also a former position as I am heading back into the cookie world known as the girl scouts. They had the same position open up for the council in Columbus, which was the same position I held in Texas. Shhhh. I can hear you laughing at this news. After a particularly hard day I sat in my car crying and heavily praying about the future of my career. Literally 15 minutes later I saw the girl scouts finally had a position open up. Could it really be that God has had me wait over a year to go back to work in non profit? I mean every door that slightly opened for a new opportunity in this past year had closed; sometimes even slammed in my face. The morning before I received the offer from the girl scouts, I had received another rejection email from another company I had interviewed with . This time I took the lovely email as a message that God was closing another door to show me that I needed to accept this offer. And so I did. While I have been appreciative of my employment for the past year I am very excited to see what this door holds. Even though it's the same position, I will strictly be working in membership and fund development. Since this office is fully staffed I will not be wearing as many hats as I did in Texas. Thus, less traveling, less weekend events, less slumber parties in damp warehouses with cookies - what will I do? Of course I am happy to do all that, but I have a feeling this experience will be MUCH different. Prayers are appreciated. If I get nervous before spin class imagine how much fun I am before switching companies!

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